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Dental Implants are becoming a popular treatment to replace missing teeth. They can provide a more long-term solution and help preserve healthy tooth tissue surrounding the area.

What is a dental Implant?

A dental implant is a metal rod made form Titanium which is placed into the jawbone to replace the root portion of your own natural tooth. Titanium is a material well suited and compatible with bone and bone tissue. The implant is used to support a crown, bridge or denture.
The primary aim when placing implants into the jawbone is to ensure that the surface of the titanium implant fuses together with the surrounding bone tissue, in order that it creates a strong stable support for new teeth.

How long do Implants last? Are they safe?

Dental implants have been used for over 3 decades and can last a lifetime depending on how you take care of them. Implants are an established, tried and tested treatment for missing teeth.

Can Implants always be recommended to replace missing teeth?

It will depend on the condition and state of the bone in your jaw. It will be necessary for the dentist / oral surgeon to assess the amount of bone there is currently, using a variety of scans and x-rays to determine and measure bone density.
If there is not enough bone or the bone is not healthy enough, it may not be possible to place implants in your chosen area, unless bone grafting is done first. If this is not possible, the surgeon or dentist will always recommend an alternative option.
Do dental Implants hurt?
Placing a dental Implant requires a small surgical procedure. This can be carried out under a local anaesthetic with or without sedation. You will be guaranteed to feel no pain during the procedure, but may feel some discomfort up to a week after the surgery. This is usually caused with having the stitches in place and the normal healing process.

How long does the Implant treatment take?

The dentist will be able to provide you with an accurate timeline of the treatment schedule at your consultation, and before the treatment commences.
The implants need at least 3-6 months (depending on your individual circumstances) to fuse with the bone. Sometimes, the implants may be strong enough sooner than this time, and the artificial teeth can be fitted much sooner.
Normally, the permanent crowns that fit over the implants are fitted 6-9 months after the implants are placed into the jawbone.

Are the new implants/ teeth easy to clean?

Cleaning in and around the teeth attached to the implants is very similar to cleaning your own natural teeth. If there are areas that cause you problems or concerns, your dentist will be able to advise and show you the best ways to clean for your teeth.

If I currently had gum disease when I had my own teeth, will this spread to the new teeth that are attached to the implants?

Yes, there is a high risk that that gum disease will spread if you don’t care for the new teeth or maintain a good oral hygiene program. If you follow a good routine and keep you new teeth clean, follow a healthy diet and don’t smoke, then you should be able to prevent any further gum disease from occurring.

Can I remove the teeth, if they are fixed to implants?

The artificial teeth / crowns attached to implants can only be placed and removed by a dentist or surgeon. However, if you have a denture which is fixed to implants using bars, then you will be able to remove the dentures for cleaning.

Are implants visible?

Your dentist / surgeon will ensure that the implants will not be visible during all movement of the lips and mouth.

Do I need an implant for each missing tooth?

No, it is not necessary unless you are only having a single tooth replaced. If all the teeth in either upper or lower jaw need replacing, five or six implants in each jaw are normally enough to support all the teeth.as each implant can support 2-3 teeth.
If you have a few missing teeth, 2-3 implants may be placed. Your surgeon will be able to advise after a thorough examinations and taken all the necessary scans.

What happens if I don’t have enough bone for the implants?

After the assessment of the x-rays and CT scan, if it appears that you do not have enough bone to support implants, the surgeon will go through the alternative options.
There are various bone grafting procedures which can be done to enable treatment with implants. If this is not possible, then dentures or bridges will also be discussed. Your dentist / surgeon will go through all the options with you.

What happens if the implant does not fuse (bond) with the bone?

This is a rare occurrence. If this happens and the implant becomes loose either during or after the healing period, it is removed and healing can take place in the normal way. Once the area has fully healed, the dentist can either place another implant or discuss placing a bridge instead.

Is implant treatment expensive?

The price of a dental implant can vary depending on the skill of the surgeon, the quality and type of implant used, the level of aftercare provided by the surgery, the amount of work required, whether any extra surgery is required prior to placing implants and the number of implants required.
So in many circumstances, implant treatment is more expensive thahttp://new.rathgardental.ie/wp-admin/post.php?post=716&action=edit&lang=enn most conventional treatments such as bridges and crowns. However, the implant solution can be the most long-term effective.

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